Publication Ethics of the Journal

“ANWESHAN ASTHA’S Management Journal” is double blind reviewed journal published annually. The journal follows a well spelt out ethical policy while publishing the articles. The practices followed are enumerated bellow.

Objectives of the journal:

- To ensure right credit given to original work while selecting article for publication. - Not to promote partisan, opinioned publications

Scope of the Journal:

The journal will cover the research articles from the discipline of management. It will include all the functional areas such as Finance, Marketing, Huma Resource, Operation management, Information technology Management, General Management, CSR, Corporate governance, Economics and Business Communication. Along with the above mentioned areas we also cover the area related to management education.

The journal generally published annually with or without any specific themes. It also plans to publish some special issues on some occasions.

Ethical Responsibility of the Editor(s)

The foremost responsibility of the Chief Editor is to ensure that no legal aspects of the publication such as Intellectual property violation, plagiarized content, and any other misrepresentation is made in the articles of the journal.

The Editor in chief has the sole discretionary power to finalize the articles to be published with due consideration of the above mention matters and the report of the double blinded peer review report.

The Editor will maintain the confidentiality of the authors and their research article and the demographic profile of the editors will not affect the decision of articles to be published.

Ethical Responsibility of the Reviewer

The communication from the editor to the reviewer regarding the review of the article only. There will be no communication regarding the identity and any such information that discloses the identity of the author(s) to the reviewer. The authors will also not be disclosed about the identity of the reviewer. The authors will only be informed regarding the comments of the reviewer for the further improvement of the research article. The reviewer has to adhere to the timeline for reviewing the articles. The time line may be decided by the chief-editor considering the gravity of the research article on the basis of technical aspects. In case the reviewer find that it is not possible to stick to the time line than he has to inform the same to the chief editor well in advance through e-mail.

The reviewer has to ensure that the article acknowledges all the referred sources in the prescribed format of the journal.

The reviewer must maintain the confidentiality of the research work of the authors. In case of any conflict the reviewer has to communicate that matter to chief-editor only.


The research articles submitted by the authors should be original in all respect. The relevance and the objectivity of the research methodology has to be clearly mentioned. The statistical interpretations should be backed by sufficient data and should be logical. Any miss representation and duplicity will lead to misconduct and unethical behavior. Authors should have the original data used in the research with him. These data may be required by the editorial board to check the authenticity of the research work. So in this context the author should be I position to share the original data to us. The author has to duly acknowledge the data source.

The authors should also ensure that the manuscript submitted to our journal should not be sent for publication in any other journal or seminar. Inclusion of the significant contributor to the journal will be included as authors as communicated to us, but out of them only one author should be designated as the corresponding author.

Acknowledgment of Funding Sources

Sources of funding for the research reported in the article should be duly acknowledged at the end of the article

Disclosure And Conflicts Of Interest

All authors should disclose in their manuscript any financial or other substantive conflict of interest that might be construed to influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript. All sources of financial support for the project should be disclosed.