Digital Word-of-Mouth Dynamics: Unpacking the Influence of Product Engagement and Brand Perception

Year 2023
Volume/Issue Volume - VI, Issue - I
Title Digital Word-of-Mouth Dynamics: Unpacking the Influence of Product Engagement and Brand Perception
Authors Mr. Debadeepti Jagaty & Dr. Umakanta Dash
Broad area Digital Marketing
Abstract Electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM), which can be thought of as a digital form of word-of-mouth recommendation, has emerged as a significant source of information for consumers. This research paper explores the impact of eWOM on consumers'purchasing intentions. Additionally, the study investigates how product involvement and brand image moderate the connection between eWOM and purchase intentions. The participants of this study have previously sought online opinions or reviews when considering a purchase. The survey is divided into three sections, addressing eWOM search experiences, measuring various variables, and collecting demographic and internet usage data. Structural equation modeling (SEM) is employed to analyze the relationships within the research model. Examining online reviews and comments can boost consumers' confidence in their buying choices. Research findings demonstrate that the quality and quantity of electronic word-of mouth (eWOM) content, as well as the expertise of the sender, positively influence the likelihood of making a purchase. Significantly, the level of interest in a product and the brand's perception play a role in moderating the connection between eWOM and purchase intentions. In essence, this study offers fresh insights into impact of eWOM on customer purchase intentions.
Description Digital Word-of-Mouth Dynamics: Unpacking the Influence of Product Engagement and Brand Perception
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